Marge Wolf Service Operations ManagerSolid, professional support we TRUST!
Since TRG Networking took us to hosted Exchange and their proactive MSP services with onsite visits, We increased productivity with almost no equipment and software issues; remote service is fast and resolves minor issues quickly eliminating a site visit. Outsourcing ensures our network is secure and our equipment is operating properly and saves money on service issues. Most issues are resolved during our scheduled Outsourcing.
Compared to other vendors, TRG Networking provides professional service but handles our account in a very personal way. Someone is always available to discuss issues and go over future IT plans. The highly qualified site technicians are part of the MMS family…they are the “front line”.
Looking to make a change in IT support? Call TRG Networking, they have great people who really care and go the extra mile…..the biggest factor in my opinion is TRUST!!
Maryland Mechanical Systems
Baltimore, MD
We Cannot Have Downtime
BSC America is a vibrant auction business with solutions for every kind of asset. We run our business through technology, especially email and cannot be down. TRG Networking built redundant Exchange clusters at our various locations, taken us virtual and provided offsite backup. No down time…a rock solid system!
Compared to other vendors I work with now and in the past, TRG gives that personal touch, good communication and a skilled staff that fully understands my needs.
If you are on the fence about which IT support company to call…… Call Albert Blaize at TRG Networking!

BSC America
Bel Air, MD
Todd Hirsch Partner and CFOControl Costs and Forecast Consistently
“Moving with TRG Networking to a hosted platform allows our employees to work from home seamlessly during the recent pandemic. It also permits better collaboration between our field personnel and office personnel. We are better protected from data loss with offsite backup and loss of an employee’s laptop.”
“Support from TRG personnel is prompt and thorough. The support we receive through our Platinum program allows us control costs and forecast consistent IT support costs for budget management.”
“TRG personnel provide prompt and thorough support as well as cost effective management of our IT needs. Call them today!”
Belt Built Contracting, LLC – Maryland